Which one? Textured rugs are best for a modern-style home!

Textured rugs are best for a modern-style home

Don’t be afraid of color!

If you’re drawn to the bolder, more colorful looks, then you might want to consider a border ruffle rug. These rugs feature a woven border that extends around the entire rug. Not only is this design eye-catching, but it is also a great choice if you like to entertain. You can use this rug as a pinterest board—I mean, it would be the perfect wallpaper!

If you want to go a bit more traditional, a solid color with a pattern or design will work nicely in a contemporary or modern home. Additionally, a warm color scheme with neutral elements, such as blue, brown, or cream, will work well in any room.

Textured rugs are best for a modern-style home

If you’re looking for a more minimalist or “neutral zone” kind of look, a geometric or floral pattern would be best. If you want something a bit more decorative, check out the many metallic and design options that are available.

These rugs feature a unique design that’s both attractive and functional. They’re great for a variety of room styles, such as a family room or kitchen.

Lots of pattern and texture combined in a single rug

If you’re partial to lots of texture and pattern, then a hybrid of the two is what you’re looking for. These rugs feature a combination of woven and knitted textures that give the rug a rugged or textured look. This design is ideal for any room, such as a kitchen, bathroom, or balcony.

Don’t forget about the value factor!

Most rugs these days come with a guarantee that they are machine washable. While this is certainly helpful, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do any damage to the rug. If you have kids or animals in the house, you’re probably aware of the damage they can cause to rugs. Rugs are made to be lived in—yes, even the super fancy ones. Therefore, it’s important to take care of them and prevent damage. Wash your rug in the detergent and water that it came in. This will help your rug last longer and look cleaner.

Bonus: how to cut your carpet without ruining it!

When you buy a rug, the first step is to cut it. This is actually the easy part. The hard part is to actually keep the rug! After all, carpets need to be regularly seasoned and regularly cleaned to stay looking great. Fortunately, there are a few tricks you can use to keep your new rug looking great for longer.

  • Vacuum your rug once a week to remove any trace of dirt.
  • Use a rug shampooer to clean your rug once a month.
  • Always store your new rug on a wooden or plastic stand.
  • If you’re not planning to use the rug often, put it in the closet or donate it to a local charity. This will help save the environment and help you save money too!


Choosing the right rug for your home can be a challenge. You might have a particularly eclectic taste or you’re looking for a rug that’s both versatile and plays well with other styles in your home. Here are some things to keep in mind when buying a new rug:

Don’t be afraid of color!

The more intense the color, the more versatile the rug will be. If you’re keeping it simple, a solid color with subtle patterns or design details will work fine.

Textured rugs are best for a modern-style home

If you like your rugs to feature a bit of texture, go with a texture rug. You’ll get a more comfortable foot sleep and the rug will look great on the wall.

Lots of pattern and texture combined in a single rug

If you want a single rug that’s both patterned and texture based, check out a multi-colored rug. You’ll get a more balanced look and your room will look less cluttered.

Don’t forget about the value factor!

Depending on how often you use your rug, you can save a substantial amount of money by switching to a synthetic fabric. These rugs are stronger and last longer than their cotton counterparts.

Bonus: how to cut your carpet without ruining it!

If you’re thinking about cutting your carpet, be careful! The rule of thumb is to cut your rug 1/4 times its total length. For example, if you have a 100-yard rug, then cut it into 50-yard lengths.

When cutting your rug, also take into account where you plan to place it. If you have a small room, half the cut length will fit nicely on a table or shelves. If not, a 1/4 length would work just fine.

When it comes to your new rug, make sure it is square and has plenty of backing. If it is not square, your rug will be difficult to clean and make your room look messy.


When it comes to choosing the perfect rug for your home, there are plenty of options to choose from. You can go for a solid color with a pattern or design, a patterned rug, a geometric or floral design, or a combination of all three. And no matter which design style you go with, you’ll be glad you did.

If you want a decorative rug that is also functional, a ruffle rug is a great choice. These are easy to maintain and will add a lot of texture to your room.

Choosing the right rug for your home can be a challenge, but luckily, you can check out the blog for help. We have lots of ideas for how you can make your new rug the talk of the house!

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Do u have square rugs

Halla Sakr

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